What’s new, man? What is that noise? Are you in the bathtub?
Yeah. There’s nothing like a Japanese bathtub. They’re short, but deep.
[Laughs] What are you doing in Japan?
I’m with my dad. My dad has an art show at some big department store thing and we’re going to the Green Room Festival and he has an art show there too. It’s like a three-day music festival. Then I’m going on to Indo and he’s going home. I’m sending the kid home. Check it out. My dad has a new look. I got him to dye his hair black last night from this guy that I know that’s a hairdresser. It’s the first time he’s ever done it. It was really funny.
Wow. Wait. I’m pointing the camera at a picture of Jay.
That is the definition of surf skate – Jay Adams. Jay is the definition of skate surf. I’m surf skate.
You’re right about that. When did you first hear of surf skate style?
Surf skate or skate surf? I think they’re different.
When did you first hear of either one?
Well, I didn’t hear of it. I lived it. You know who my dad is, so I just grew up with it. I didn’t know you were supposed to differentiate the two really. I grew up surfing and skateboarding. My whole family was surfers, so that’s what I knew. I was surfing in contests when I was five years old and I was also skating Carlsbad park when I was five years old with Mike Weed and my dad in 1975. I wasn’t allowed to skate the big bowl because it was too big and my dad wouldn’t let me go in it. Later on, when I went back to McGill’s and saw what the big bowl consisted of, I was like, “You’ve got to be kidding me. I wasn’t allowed to go in this fuckin’ thing? It was like 8 feet deep with the mellowest tranny you’ve ever seen.
[Laughs] Nice. What does surf skate style mean to you?
It was just a way of life. That was what you did. You went surfing and you went skateboarding. I was always trying to surf on my skateboard and do laybacks on little curbs or do Bertlemanns in the middle of the driveway.
So you were watching Bertlemann do laybacks on waves and you were doing them on your skateboard.
I was watching Bertlemann do laybacks on a skateboard too. That’s where they got it, right? Bert revert. Surfing and skateboarding weren’t segregated yet. People didn’t even know how to ollie when I was a little kid.
What do you think caused skateboarding and surfing to get segregated?
It was probably Ian Cairns. He seemed to ruin everything. He wanted surfing to be that ‘four to the shore’, clean-cut, blond-haired, blue-eyed generation. With skateboarding, when I was ten years old, Jason Jessee and I were best friends. We learned how to ollie together, and you didn’t smack your tail to ollie back then. You bounced off your outside toe edge wheel. That’s why a lot of people say that me and Jason have very similar frontside ollies.
They’re like the best ever, by the way.
Yeah. I couldn’t have had a better partner.
You guys were some of the first ones to crunch your back leg up. You control the whole thing with your back leg instead of your front leg.
Yeah. You snap your back leg out, like on a surfboard, to keep pressure against your surfboard the whole time, otherwise your board flies away because it’s the lightest of all the boards, and it’s also the biggest, so it gets affected by the wind the most. It’s also the most unpredictable because it’s different every time and there are so many variables. Even if it’s glassy, you’ve still got the wind from the wave pushing you forward. Even if it’s glassy, if you don’t snap it out, your board flies away from your feet. Being on a surfboard, I had to snap the tail out, but, on the way back in, I had to suck my back leg in to keep the pressure on my tail to keep the board against my feet.
What parts of skateboarding remind you of surfing?
A frontside grind on pool coping, like a slash grind, Jay style. If you do that barefoot, with some Astrodeck on your skateboard, it’s the same feeling as doing a frontside off the lip.
Who has the best surf skate style now, in your opinion? One of them might have come out of your balls.
Yeah. Greyson, on a skateboard, does have the best surf skate style because he looks like he’s been surfing his whole life, but really he just learned. He’s a product of evolution because my dad was on a longboard and then he was part of the shortboard revolution and then the next generation was me with the skateboard revolution on a surfboard. The next step would be a skateboarder. That’s evolution in a perfect world, as far as transitioning from surfing to skateboarding.
What about surfers with skate style?
Well, you can look at Tony Magnusson and Cheyne Magnusson. There’s a pretty good example of skateboarding transitioning into surfing. He’s the first one that I know of that has a kid that rips surfing that was a skateboarder.
I never even thought about that one. Okay, how has surfing influenced skateboarding and how has skateboarding influenced surfing?
Well, for me, I’m left-handed, so I’ve lived in a world of right-handed chauvinism for the last 47 years, but lefties tend to see the world a little backwards. For me, I tried to surf on my skateboard and skate on my surfboard. You’ve seen me skate before. I’m doing layback smith grinds and layback tail slides around the corner. I do a lot of different moves that would be like surf style moves on my skateboard, but then I go out in the water and do a lot of skate style moves on my surfboard, so I attribute that to being left-handed.
Do you see any groms picking up on that style?
Yeah. The groms nowadays are completely different than they were when I was younger, or even down to Greyson’s age. These younger kids all surf and skate, but most of them skate skate style and they surf surf style.
Do you think skateparks have anything to do with that?
Oh yeah, for sure. They closed all the skateparks when I was a little kid. In ‘82, everything shut down, and my parents made me pick and choose. They said I could either be a surfer or a skater, but I couldn’t do both. At the time, those were crucial learning years between 12 and 17. I got sent to Christian schools for a while, and Jason and I lost touch with each other. He was off skateboarding and I was off surfing. We met back up again when we were a little bit older, and shit has been cool ever since. He’s kind of hard to get a hold of, but he’s my oldest friend though.
You guys are both into motorcycles too.
Oh yeah. Actually, I bought my first motorcycle for the road, when I was with Jason. I turned 18 and I bought some used chopper and it had “Beast of Burden” painted on the side of it. The thing was ridiculous. It was 650 or 750 Bonneville. I didn’t know how to work on it, so my parents moved it to my grandpa’s warehouse, and my Grandpa sold it without asking me.
Oh no. Okay, I have one more surf skate question then we’re going to freestyle it. Is surf skate style important today?
For myself, I’d say, style is the most important thing you can have in either one of those sports, because then you’ve got flow. At the same time, you’ve got innovation and you’ve got attitude to go along with it, because attitude comes with skateboarding. Attitude also comes with surfing, but it’s a different kind of attitude. I’m not talking about that ‘I’m cooler than you entitled lame’ attitude, because when I was a kid, surfers were cool. They all had personalities. Skateboarders did too. Then Spicoli stereotyped the sport of surfing in America and ruined it. It was like, “Oh yeah, I know that dude. He’s a dumb stoner.” Skateboarders were already kind of shunned as outcasts. They were looked at more like bikers were looked at, you know, so their attitude was a little bit more pissed off.
Which worked well for you. You brought that to surfing and the “surfing industry” didn’t really like it.
Yeah. We called it ‘four to the shore’ or ‘three to the beach’ because you used to have to do three turns all the way to the beach and ride the whitewash. I looked at it like, when the wave turned to whitewash, the wave was done and it was time to catch another one.
What do you think made you try airs on a surfboard?”
My dad took me skateboarding, so it came natural to me. I was going to Carlsbad and then my grandfather’s office was across the street from Skate Odyssey, which was a huge skateboard park in ‘78 and ‘79. That was the first time I ever skated a clover bowl. I rolled into the bowl part and I went straight on my ass. My board shot super high in the air and landed on a picnic table where a bunch of older kids were sitting and eating lunch. It scared the shit out of me. It was so embarrassing.
Wow. Well, your dad said you started out hopping on waves. Those were his words.
Well, that’s because he was a surfer, but that’s how you learn. I don’t really remember learning how. People ask me if I remember my first air, and I don’t. I was just doing them. That’s why my dad probably said I was hopping. I was learning how to bounce my outside wheel off cracks in the sidewalk to do little ollies. When I was a kid, you didn’t smack the tail to do an ollie. That hadn’t come out yet. When I was really young, nobody did ollies.
Have you always been curious about building surfboards too?
No. I never wanted to build surfboards. I wanted to leave that to the professionals. I was a surfer. We didn’t have tools in the house. We didn’t even have enough tools to put together a skateboard when I was a kid. Back then it took years and years to learn how to shape surfboards because you had to know how to use all these tools and shit like that. I was always a surfboard designer, but I could never get what I wanted because my designs were a little different and no one wanted the hassle of making them, so I had to wait for technology.
Why were they a hassle to make?
It’s because I liked all kinds of different shit. I used to get surfboards that had a double barrel concave from the nose to the tail, and then it had concave on both sides of that, going towards the rail, but then there was one full concave, if you took a straight edge, that went from rail to rail. Then I had a kicktail on the last couple of inches on the bottom, so I could release good. That’s five different concaves plus a kicktail, so the shaper was pissed, the glassers were pissed and the sander was extra pissed. I learned at a young age that, if I wanted to get shit done at the surfboard factories, I had to hang out and bribe the guys. I lured McElroy off the bar stool at the Wagon Wheel, or the Broken Spoke, with a 12-pack and a bag of weed. A lot of times I’d try to get the guy sanding to stay up most of the night because I was leaving somewhere, so I had to bring a 12-pack to coax them into sanding my boards. Now it would be tough to bribe somebody that’s in China or Vietnam building your surfboard.
[Laughs] True. Let’s jump to Astrodeck because Astrodeck is like the griptape of surfing. How did that come about?
Astrodeck is the griptape of surfing. That came about from my dad going to the skatepark and riding skateboards.
How did that change your surfing?
It made it so you could stay on your board and your board didn’t ding or break as easy. It was like griptape with a cushion. When you’re skateboarding, your shoes are the cushion. When you’re surfing, your surfboard is more fragile. You need it to be light, but that means it’s weak. Astrodeck helps save your board from the hard impact of landing, because learning how to do aerials, you’re landing in the flats a lot, so you break a lot of equipment. When you break equipment, then what do you do? Back then you didn’t get 25 boards for each contest like the kids do now. Back then, if you had a surfboard sponsor, you’d get 10 surfboards a year and that included Hawaii. Nowadays, kids ride boards that are smaller, so they don’t have to change as much. When I was a kid, you needed boards that ranged from 5’10”, which was a small board then, all the way to an 8 foot board. You wanted a whole quiver within increments of inches. You wanted a 6’8”, a 7’0 and a 7’2” or a 7’4” and a 7’6”, because you needed that variety for paddling and stuff. Surfing Pipeline, sometimes you break three or four boards in one day if the waves are good. Back to the thing with the griptape, my dad used to put Astrodeck on the whole deck when he first started, so it was just like griptape. He had to go into the surf shop and do demonstrations of how to put it on, because people didn’t know how and it would get bubbles in it and peel off. He worked really hard on his glue formula to make sure it stuck. Nowadays, it’s gone to the tail pad. Why are people so dumb that they think it only works on your back foot? You don’t walk out of the house with one shoe on. You don’t go skateboarding with griptape on half of your skateboard. I guess Spicoli was headed in the right direction. Surfers are dumb. They only have traction on one foot, when you’d think it would be good for your front foot too. The guys from the contests, I really don’t understand them. The guys on the pro tour now get $100,000 for first place usually. If you’re competing for $100,000 and you have the chance to get an edge over your opponent by having traction on both feet instead of just one foot, wouldn’t you be riding with traction on both feet? That’s a lot of money at stake, so how dumb are they? It’s stupid.
That brings me to a segue. What about your brother and his recent helicopter acid drop? Where does that come from?
Danny Way. He did that years ago. I wanted to try that, but I just never had the means, you know? I’m really stoked he did it. It’s sick.
So that’s basically your brother taking skateboarding to surfing right there.
Yeah. He’s always been taking skating to surfing, but he didn’t really want to do airs growing up though because I did them and he didn’t want to be anything like me. He was a big fan of Tom Carroll because he was the only person that was the same size as him, and you can really tell in his surfing.
Why didn’t he want to be like you?
Ask him. I was too busy being me. I didn’t have time to think about that.
Okay, here’s a question. Did you want Greyson to be a surfer or a skater?
Well, I wasn’t a real big fan of surfing through a lot of years, but I would go skateboarding every single day though, so I took Greyson with me. His mom thought she was punishing me because we’d stay up all night at band practice after surfing and skating, and then Greyson would wake up early in the morning and she’d say, “Well, you’re up, so you have to take him.” I’d be all, “Sweet.” So we’d go down to San Clemente Pier and we’d do wheelies down the hill ever since he was a tiny little baby. I think I was doing wheelies down the street with Greyson when he was 3 weeks old. Other parents kind of tripped out on it. Oh well, look at how he rides a skateboard today. It’s like the Crocodile hunter and his kid. That’s what I do and that’s what he was taught.
[Laughs] Did you just compare yourself to the Crocodile Hunter?
[Laughs] I tried to stalk the Crocodile Hunter. I was in Australia and I tried to stalk him because I’d seen videos of him surfing in his safari suit. I wanted to go surfing with him so badly, but then he died. I was in Australia when he died and I was so bummed because he was my hero. He didn’t even stare danger in the face. He let danger stare him in the face while he looked into the camera. “Crikey!” He was the coolest. Anyone that can let danger stare them in the face and they don’t even give a fuck and they just look into the camera and keep talking and cracking jokes – that’s harder than being in the tube at Pipeline and looking backwards.
It’s just as unpredictable. Okay, so how are you using the Astrodeck traction in your new surfboard designs?
It’s the same way I’ve always been using it, on my front foot and on my back foot. I like surfing very shallow reefs, sometimes pretty much dry, and I like surfing waves most people don’t. Sometimes I surf at night by myself, and some of the waves that I surf most people don’t even want to surf in the daytime. Some of those waves, I also surf with tennis shoes on, so that’s real surf skate style. That way I can do floaters over the dry reefs and stuff like that and pull into barrels and do off the lips on close outs. When I get worked or kick out, I plant both feet on the reef and I can march around like I’m in Venice Beach.
[Laughs] And not get cut.
Yeah. With booties, you get a false sense of security. Coral can cut right through booties. If you wear shoes, the shoes can straight crush everything. You have a square edge on your shoe, so you might lose a little bit of control as far as doing turns and stuff, but the lip can hit you in the head and it doesn’t necessarily knock you off your board because you have such a solid stance from having that square edge.
Wow. That makes sense.
I have videos of that too. Vans ran a poster of me launching an air in red-checkered high-tops. I landed on the lip and it looked like I was doing a frontside smith grind.
That’s so sick! Okay, tell me about the boards that you and Mike Maldonado are making now.
The boards we’re making now, we’re calling them intergalactic space vehicles.
Yes! That’s what they look like. Mike was saying you guys use some automotive technology in them, which is random.
Yeah. We do an automotive clear coat on the top to make them really nice and shiny. They’re buffed and polished and all that stuff. They’re like surfboards used to be, old school.
And they’re 3D?
Yeah. If you put 3D glasses on, they look 3D. The new ones are super crazy looking. I copied my dad’s favorite nose rider and made it 6 feet long, so that way you can ride the nose on a short board. It’s a hybrid. If you ride a longboard or a shortboard, you can mix it up. I have hybrid maneuvers on that one, like you can do a floater and run to the nose and do a side slip 360 over the bowls.
Yeah. Well, I grew up on a longboard as a kid. If I didn’t know how to ride a longboard, my dad would have castrated me. In fact, I grew up on a single fin. I was really lucky. I was born in ‘70, but I started surfing at such a young age, that I still got to be part of the ‘70s. I started out riding a single fin and that progressed to a twin fin. I think I rode a tri fin before I rode a twin fin. My first contest I rode a tri fin. I won the San Onofre Surf Club annual contest in 1976. I was five years old and I beat Clint Carroll who was nine. His dad and my dad were serious rivals as kids. You know, Corky. Clint has kind of had issues with me ever since.
[Laughs] Okay, that kind of leads to my next question. What is the coolest thing your dad ever taught you and what is the best thing you ever taught Greyson?
The coolest thing my dad ever taught me was pretty much how to live and also he taught me to not give a fuck.
Is that what you taught Greyson?
Well, I tried, but it didn’t work out that well. He’s a Pisces, so he’s a little bit sensitive. For me, I truly don’t give a fuck. All the guys I went to war against as far as surfing goes, my dad told me, “Don’t listen to those guys. They don’t know what the fuck they are talking about. Just keep doing what you’re doing.” That’s when I was talking about doing aerials and stuff.
Why do you think they were so dismissive of it?
Because, for one, they couldn’t do it. You know I was just in the Philippines last year and I saw little kids in the middle of nowhere doing backside air reverses and shit.
Yes! I win! I knew I won anyway, but that was just a serious confirmation when you see kids in the middle of nowhere doing it. That just means that aerials are universal. You can go down to any beach in the world and you’ll see kids doing aerials. Any beach you go where people are surfing, except for that beach in the movie that Rizal made that shows kids just learning how to surf that have never seen surfing before and they were riding pieces of broken boats. Besides that, any beach that you go to in the world, you’re going to see kids doing aerials, so Ian Cairns can fuck straight off! All he’s done is hold the sport back. The thing where we were talking about when surfing and skateboarding sort of parted ways, is because skateboarding progressed so much because you get so much more riding time and more predictability. Surfing hasn’t. If you were to surf Venice every single day for a year, three times a day, for two hours a day, how much time do you think you’d actually get standing on your board? An hour? How much time do you get standing on your skateboard when you go to the skatepark for two hours?
Two hours.
Good point.
I still have maneuvers that I’ve wanted to try since the ‘80s, and I’ve never gotten the right section to try ‘em. That sucks and it makes it really hard for the sport to progress. That’s another reason they didn’t want aerials because they weren’t consistent. I wasted a lot of waves learning to do aerials.
What about the wave pools now?
They’re gutless. For one, they’re not saltwater, so your board doesn’t float that good. For two, they aren’t very powerful. The new ones, I’m sure, are different. I haven’t had a chance to ride those.
Why wouldn’t they make them saltwater?
It’s probably because saltwater corrodes everything. I don’t know. I’m an eighth grade graduate and I’ve got saltwater on the brain. That means it’s corroded.
[Laughs] It’s corroded in a good way. So what’s the most punk rock thing about surfing and the most punk rock thing about skateboarding?
What’s the definition of punk rock here?
Well, I’ll quote Jay Adams and say, “Punk rock means just tearing shit up and not giving a fuck.”
Okay. Well, I go surfing in the middle of the night by myself in waves of serious consequence. With all of the sharks, I also go surfing with knives in my wetsuit.
What’s up with all the sharks? Have you ever come face to face with a shark?
I just got chased out of the water in Australia by a 14-foot tiger shark at 3:30 in the morning. I was with my buddy, Pato. He grew up around a lot of sharks, and we saw the shark and we paddled straight in. We got to the beach and he was puking all over the beach and I was like, “Are you okay?” He was like, “I couldn’t shit, so I had to puke.”
That’s gnarly – a 14-foot tiger shark…
Check this out. Type in “Sharks in Capistrano Beach” on your computer. Do you see how many goddamn sharks come up? Those are all right in front of my grandpa’s house in Capistrano Beach. Watch them go straight in towards the beach. They like stingrays, and that’s the inside of the bay where all the stingrays are. That’s where I grew up surfing. I grew up right up the hill and my grandparents live on the beach right there. There were 15 of them the other day, and the sheriffs came by and called my grandfather out of the water. My aunt hit one in the head with a paddle when she was on a stand up paddle board. The sharks go right into the beach. They feed on stingrays inside Capistrano Bay by Doheny. There are like 10-foot stingrays there. That video is being filmed from the reef right outside my grandparents house. When I was a kid, my dad and my grandpa called that reef ‘the garden’ because they would go diving there to get lobsters and fish. They called it the garden because there are a lot of fish out there, so don’t you think the apex predator would be hanging out somewhere near the garden? They’re everywhere now. They bit some lady’s leg off a few weeks ago, and she ended up having to have it amputated. They’re caught on film jumping out of the water at Trestles on the Surfline camera, so I surf with two big knives in my wetsuit, because what happens if I get scared and drop the first one?
[Laughs] Another good point.
I still surf a lot at night by myself.
Why do you like to surf by yourself?
Well, because you shouldn’t have to talk grown men into having fun. By the time I talk them into going out, which could take a few hours, the conditions change. I used to be really scared of sharks, but I’ve risked my life in so many other ways by now, that I don’t think a shark is going to kill me. I don’t think that’s how I’m going to go.
You can see them coming, right?
No. When they attack you, they come from below, so you never see it. They come from below you and they come straight up and they hit you and they don’t miss. They’re so close to shore nowadays, so that’s a huge difference between surfing and skating. You might run into a land shark on your skateboard, or police or whatever, and they’re scary, but they ain’t that scary.
Do you wear shark repellant or do you have one of those little anti-shark wristband things or whatever?
That shit don’t work. What I have is fluorescent-colored equipment. Most things in nature that are poisonous have fluorescent colors. They did some study and it actually works better than those shark repellant things. Not only that, the last thing someone sees is a flash of fluorescent color before they get run over. In other words, it’s like, “Get the fuck out of the way because I’m poisonous!” So back to surf skate style, I just went and rode my skateboard and my surfboard. I would go down a hill looking at the hill like a wave. I would ride around on my surfboard and look for ramps. You’d hear surfers talking like, “Oh, look at that ramp.” Well, I was one of the first people looking at it like that.
What you did is insane, and I love that your dad was like, “Don’t listen to what people are saying.”
My dad was the only one behind me on this thing.
Which is nuts because as a skateboarder, watching you surf, it makes full sense to me. I don’t understand why anyone would want to hold that progression back.
It’s because there was a certain hierarchy in surfing. The companies like Gotcha and Quiksilver, are the ones that sponsored the contests and put the ads in the magazines and paid the surfers. If, all of a sudden, Herbie’s kid comes out and is doing stuff that none of those guys could do, then where does that leave the whole industry?
So you were basically better than everyone and they couldn’t deal with it.
Well, I wasn’t necessarily better. I was different. I was doing stuff they couldn’t do though, yes. I was doing things differently and the kids thought it was cool. So where does that leave the whole industry? They had to persecute me or I would have fucked up the whole rotation. At the end of the day, I’ve pulled a lot of emotion out of people. They’re never going to forget me. I’ve got a lot of lovers and I’ve got even more haters. That means I’m doing something right.
Wait. You’re in Japan right now. What are you looking forward to doing over there?
Partying! Japan has a huge surf skate scene.
They love you, huh?
Not only do they love me, aside from my dad, Japan stuck behind me. They’re an extreme culture. Nisi was the epitome of surf skate.
I miss that guy.
I’ve got a bunch of pictures of me going to the hospital when he lost his foot, and bringing him a plunger all wrapped up nicely in a package. I was like, “I got you a present.” I thought he was going to throw it at me for sure, but he opened it up and said, “Oh, I’ve been looking all over for one of these.” Have you seen the “Farewell, Nisi” video that RVCA did? My friend gave me a hit of acid and I had to get up and do public speaking at Nisi’s funeral. We rolled a joint with his bones in it and smoked it. Then we found an abandoned boat and towed it out and threw some of his ashes in the water and when we got back to the beach, the boat was gone. It disappeared. We left some of his ashes in the boat, so we figured he’s still in that boat cruising around fucking with people. Check out the video. It’s on YouTube, if you want to watch it. It’s pretty cool. If you guys need anything else, just give me a call.
Thanks. We want to do everything we can to support you.
Cool. I appreciate it. I’m stoked to be a part of things because you guys are the only independent skateboard magazine. The other ones are all corporate. You guys are still more of a zine feel. You guys are real. Those guys are corporate. Terri has done a hell of a job hanging in there. I respect that.
We’ve got mad respect for you too.
If there’s anything I can do to help you guys out too, I’m stoked. I hope you guys are around for the long haul.
Thanks man. I’m stoked to talk to you.
Right on, Dan. Tell Terri bye. Have a good one. I’ll send you some stuff from the road while I’m out.
That would be sick!
Okay cool. Right on. Take it easy.
The influence of surfing on skateboarding has been discussed since the beginning of both, yet we have now entered a new era, where skateboarding has returned the favor with its own unique influence on the surfing world. In order to get to the core of this cross over and to try to define the origins and current state and status of surf skate style, we’ve interviewed some of the most innovative skateboarders, surfers, artists, documentarians, photographers, filmmakers and musicians on the planet. In honor of the great, Shogo Kubo, who once said, “To me, style is everything…” welcome to our exploration of Surf Skate Style featuring interviews with Aaron Murray, Aaron Astorga, Abraham Paskowitz, Art Brewer, Bennett Harada, Brad Bowman, Brandon Cruz, Brian Brannon, Carter Slade, Chris Miller, Chris Strople, Christian Fletcher, Christian Hosoi, Craig Stecyk III, Darren Ho, Dave Tourje, David Hackett, Dennis Martinez, Dibi Fletcher, Don Redondo, Eric Britton, Garrett McNamara, Gerry Lopez, Glen E. Friedman, Greg Falk, Greg Galbraith, Greyson Fletcher, Herbie Fletcher, James O’Mahoney, Jef Hartsel, Jeff Ament, Jeff Divine, Jeff Ho, Jim Fitzpatrick, Jim Gray, John Van Hamersveld, Jonathan Paskowitz, Josh “Bagel” Klassman, Kalani David, Keith Morris, Kirra Kehoe, Larry Bertlemann, Laura Thornhill, Lizzie Armanto, Marc Emond, Michael Denicola, Michael Early, Nano Nobrega, Nathan Fletcher, Nathan Florence, Neil Stratton, Norton Wisdom, Pat Bareis, Randy Katen, Ray Flores, Rob Nelson, Robert Trujillo, Scott Oster, Shane Allen, Shaun Tomson, Shota Kubo, Solo Scott, Stacy Peralta, Steve Alba, Steve Olson, Takuji Masuda, Terry Nails, Tim Curran, Tim Hendricks, Tim Kerr, Tom Groholski, Tony Alva, Wes Humpston and Zach Miller.
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